Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Random Kiss

Before we gossip about my title (as if someone's reading my post), let me explain. Defensive ako eh :))) The title is intended for my blogspot, random posting is what I mean ;) So there ;) I realized that my last post was the last day of my sem break. Things got a little crazy and busy in school, so I had to to prioritize. It's not like I abandoned blogspot or something, duh? This is the only site where I can post random shit and no one would care :)

Anyway, I caaaaaan't effin' sleep :| UGH. To think that I didn't sleep last night because I was doing my results and conclusion part on our thesis. Here's a proof of how things got really crazy, I print screened my desktop today, taking out all stuff that wasn't there before school got busy, and another picture of what's happening

This is how my desktop looks at the start of 2011

And this is how it looks like now...

(Stop staring at Adam Levine NOW!!! HAHAHAHA and I hope Gekie will not kill me if she saw her picture, good thing K doesn't have a skype pic)

Plus I'm wearing my pink glasses, which I only use for protection in my eyes when I use the computer for a really really long time :| (2 days of not shutting down, it's good if you're having fun that's why you're not getting off the computer, but on my part OH GOD, doing school stuffs all day, all night, and I guess I'm doing it even in my dreams)

I was thinking a lot of things lately, mostly about school stuffs, like when will I start Media Law paper so I can finish it before the 21st, when will I call a meeting for film group, will thesis get approved tom? Oh god. I was thinking, how can thesis and film class make watching movie such a hard thing to do. Things like that, but also things like my-goal-right-now-is-to-graduate-then-what? comes into mind, or things like I miss having people, or things like, I think I'll be a jealous byotch when I already have a significant other, or thinking about people I'm so close right now, and I know after a while or after college we won't stay in touch. Just like any others.

The thing is that, I'm really sleepy, and I try to close my eyes... and then after a while, reach out for the power button of my lappy tah-dah, online again. I mean why? Kanina I saw a post on tumblr saying "once we had our characteristics, now we have symptoms. as medical practice becomes commercialized, our emotions become medicalized". Sounds true to me, I mean no offense to the pysch world or any related area, but I think there are things or feelings or emotions that we have to leave without answer. Rhetorical questions, I guess.

Hmm... actually right now, I'm thinking of how my friend can still be friends with that byotch girl! HAHAHAHA, sorry that was mean. And I'm thinking,bakit andaming taong gusto ng free ride? I mean, in life you can't always have everything free, you have to do your part (talking about everything in life ...and yeah thesis) Nevermind.

I can mention more things that's going around my crazy mind... but mostly I'm thinking of what's in store for me, tomorrow?

"I don’t want to go to sleep alone tonight. I’m afraid of what will haunt me in my sleep. I need someone to protect me."

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